Saturday, 4 December 2021

Dud Gen Floaters

The phrase "Dud Gen Floaters" was used by haulage bashers for incorrect info relating to locomotive workings that never actually happened, but just keep on coming back to you, over and over, via the grapevine! Predating the internet, but rarely heard today, it should probably be revived as its much more realvant than ever.

I learned a long time back, that if you post anything that turns out to be incorrect, its too late, its out there in the wild and someone will have archived the error and it will come back to you, over and over.

Recently, three examples of workings that never were, posted in good faith on Timewarp around 20 years ago, later disproved and removed, yet here they are, once again, back in the RailGenArchive mailbox.

Fri 10th Sept 1982.
40032 1A41 2123 Bradford - Kings Cross from Leeds.
Never Happened. Was 46050.
How do we know?
Withdrawn from service months previously, already at Swindon avaiting the cutters torch.

Tue 08th Feb 1983.
50028 1V92 1423 York - Plymouth between Gloucester - Plymouth
Never Happened. Date error. Typo in gen recieved
How do we know?
Service not in timetable until May 83. Several reports of this correctly dated 08/02/83 recieved when 50028 worked 1V92 throughout.

Sat 4th Jul 1981 .
40023 1M71 0855 York - Llandudno
Never Happened. Wrong loco. Typo in gen recieved
How do we know?
6 people who saw/caught/photographed the service reported the loco as 40025. Again, loco withdrawn prevous 05/81.

Dud gen floaters indeed!

The RailGenArchive project is ongoing continuation of the old 1980's Timewarp site with updates usually at least once per week, A site dedicated to recording diesel and electric (mostly) passenger workings. During the many years that this project has been running, steam workings have also been received, and, going forward, these will be posted here on this blog as time allows.

Many thanks for all your help and support so far.

© 'UD' & 'Clayhead'
Preserving the gen online since 1999...
Keeping you posted on behalf of the RailGenArchive team -

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